Sherry used strips that finished to 1-1/2" wide in her quilt, both in the blocks and in the border. Since I'm under a time constraint here, I'm using strips that finish to 1-3/4" wide, which will give me a 12-1/4" block. An odd measurement, but it'll work just fine. Unlike Sherry, I'm adding a tan inner border, then I'll make the same piano key border. I have quite a few scrappy strips that were cut 2" wide, so I'll use those up in that border.
I'll need 49 blocks for a queen-sized quilt, and I have some made already. Since I have so many other projects ongoing right now, I thought I'd employ a Block of the Month strategy (sort of) for this quilt too. If I can make a block a day every day, I'll have all the blocks constructed by mid August. That'll give me another month to sew the blocks together, add the borders, and get it over to my good friend Koleen who is going to quilt it for me.
Doesn't that sound like a flawless plan?
Good plan. Judging from your start, the quilt will be lovely!
Sounds like you're going to be very busy, Sue! This should be a nice quilt along with the others on your list!
Good plan...your friend's quilt is beautiful. Good luck with your own quilt.
I haven't heard of this neutral quilt called Champagne before - just love it. Will be a lovely wedding quilt. I love your 'so many blocks a month' plan. Hope it works out!
Sounds flawless to me. It's amazing I'm just looking at your Jewel Box top and the Champagne quilt, and it's amazing how they are both so different and yet both so beautiful.
Your wedding quilt is going to be stunning. I love the bright colors in your jewel box quilt. Good job!
This will be one gorgeous wedding quilt! It's so elegant. I look forward to seeing it all finished.
What a gorgeous quilt and perfect colours for a wedding gift. Your blocks are beautiful and your quilt too will be spectacular.
I love this quilt! I have had a collection of neutrals for some time and have been trying to think of how to use them without it looking like a bland soup. Love your bolg. I am inspired by your block of the month plan.
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