In the garden, my tiger lilies are almost ready to bloom. I've waited several years for this moment. Last year the chipmunks climbed up the stalks and ate all those black pods (what the heck are those anyway?) in between the leaves. In the process, they pushed the stalks down and broke them. The year before, red beetles ate every leaf on the lilies before I even knew what hit them. I looked out the window this morning, and one stalk is pushed way over. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that nothing will happen to the rest.
According to a source on the internet, those little black things are bulbs. I should have known that because they plant themselves all over the place. I was giving some to a lady yesterday and I noticed when we picking them off that one was on the wide end of a leaf and had just detached and was ready to roll down th leaf.
Lovely hexies!
I had never seen the little pods before, so I found this informative page; be sure to read all the answers!
oh dear--beat those critters with a whumping stick! (yeah--like we're going to stand out there and WAIT for them!) Tiger lilies are some of my most favorite flowers. Lots of nostalgia.
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