Friday, November 18, 2022

Wrapping Up Some Projects

My quilters' Advent box from Missouri Star Quilt Co arrived three or four days ago. I enjoyed the Spooky Box I bought from Fat Quarter Shop in October, so I decided to treat myself again in December. It arrived in this box that's made to look like a suitcase, and inside....

.... are a bunch of wrapped, numbered giftie boxes and bags. I was curious about the advent box last year and found some YouTube videos online where Jenny Doan opens a gift every day from Dec 1-25. I thought the videos were fun, and I thought the gifties were fun; so I decided to give it a try this year.


Last week it was sunny and warm, and then boom! it was winter. It snowed briefly Wednesday morning, the first snow of the season. By mid morning, it had switched over to rain, and the little bit of snow melted away. Just a miserably damp cold day.

Because the weather has been cold and miserable, I hunkered down and used the last few days to clean up a few projects. Shar's quilt is finished and ready to be returned to her.

"My Favorite Color Is" was a project designed by Moda and became a quilt along on their Inspiration blog last year. I'm calling mine Coastal Cool, and I finished the top last October. It's been waiting for a backing since then, so I got the backing and batting cut and carted it off to another longarm quilter the other day. At 81" x 99", it is just too big to fit comfortably on my machine. I'm won't be able to get this back until January, so it's out of my hair for awhile. 

Missouri Star Quilt Co. did a tutorial for this Sashed Tumbler, which I finished during the first year of the pandemic. These were all fabrics left over from a group project my quilt chapter did. I  loaded it up on the longarm yesterday. I have a thread color picked out but haven't figured out how I'm going to quilt it yet. This one will be donated when it's finished.

I really don't like working with yards and yards of fabric; and after wrapping up three large quilts, I was looking for something different to work on. I came across this project, Shattered Angles, when I was hunting for something else the other day, so I dug it out to work on.

This was a class from Susan Purney Mark at Quilt University online in 2011. I got enough of the project done to understand the process, and it's been sitting ever since. 

Quilt University closed their doors when owner Carol Miller passed away some years back. It was later reincarnated as the Academy of Quilting, and some of the original instructors from QU migrated to that platform. Susan Purney Mark was not one of them, but she did write a book called Accent on Angles that details the process. 

Shattered Angles is not a difficult quilt to make it, even if it looks like it. In a nutshell, you make strip sets, cut them into sections, insert some separator strips, and then cut some blocks out of the resultant strips. I chose blues randomly, with an eye to value, scale, and fabrics I really wanted to get rid of. And so far I'm really liking it. I need 12 blocks for my quilt, and I'm halfway there.

I'm gone all day tomorrow, and Sunday it will be time to start making some preparations for Thanksgiving. We're having company on Thursday for a few days and a family get together on Saturday, so not sure how much progress I'll make next week.

1 comment:

Chantal said...

The Advent box sounds like a great gift. It's very tempting. We are stuck in the snow too. It's the first fall and usually, it just disappears but not this year. I much prefer this to the brown landscapes we had last week. Everything looks so clean and bright now. I love your Coastal Cool (great name too). Shattered Angles is so interesting. The red lines make boxes that aren't completely there and I love how that plays with my brain. Very cool! ;^)