Unbeknownst to me, the technician I use records the date of the last servicing inside the sewing machine (where I can't see it), and it had actually been five years since the last time I'd had it serviced. Good thing I take care of my machine. There were some dust balls in the tray below the machine and only one broken needle tip. Not bad for five years.
Anyway, blogging has been like that for me for awhile now too. Here I thought it had only been three weeks or so since I blogged last, and it's been nearly two months. Long enough that Blogger has completely changed its format, and I'm so lost. I'd like to say I've gotten more organized since the beginning of the year; but it hasn't happened, so I'll keep muddling along.
I actually did have some finishes in April that never got posted. This is one of those simple little strippies I like to make to practice machine quilting on, and I used a feathers pantograph on this one.
Then we took small squares of fabric we liked for the leaves, chopped them up into small pieces with a rotary cutter, and arranged them on the background. Next a layer of black tulle was placed on top and free motion quilted in place. Borders were added, and the entire quilt was done except for the binding.
The other pieces the instructor had with her were impressive--realistic and detailed. You can see more of her work here. I'm not sure if I would use this technique again because I'm not much of an art quilter, but I did have a good time making this little quilt.
The blue ones are made from yarn by Regia, and the yellow ones are Opal. First time I've ever used Opal, and it was lovely to knit with--softest yarn I've used for socks so far. These are my two new favorite pairs of socks.
At this late date, I know I won't finish a quilt in May. I may not finish a pair of socks either, but I'm pretty close to the end of a pair, so maybe.