I was busy all week working on my mini log cabin blocks, but I'm not reporting that stash until they're all finished, and I have six left to make for my little 36-block quilt. I also finished quilting my Christmas quilt, It's a Wrap, this evening, which makes me very happy!
I'll be loading another quilt on the frame this week, binding the Christmas quilt, making the rest of the log cabin blocks, and spending some time working on the projects on my Power of Ten list.
For the Stash Manager's Report, nothing in, nothing out!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Giveaway for Machine Embroiderers

Monday, August 24, 2009
Carolee's Tea
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Sunday Stash Report
I loaded the Christmas quilt this morning and quilted about half of it. I was tempted to use my favorite red-white-green variegated holiday thread but decided I'd rather look at the blocks more than the quilting, so I'm using gold thread, which blends pretty well. The pantograph I'm using is Tannenbaum from Willow Leaf. It's an easy pattern, but I can't seem to get in the groove with it.
With the two quilt backs, I used up 7 yards from the stash this week and added some yardage from the quilters' yard sale. Here's the Stash Manager's Report:
Fabric used this week: 7 yards
Fabric used year to date: 81-3/4 yards
Fabric added this week: 10-1/2 yards
Fabric added year to date: 190-3/4 yards
Net used year to date: -109 yards
Tomorrow Carolee is having a tea at her home for our large quilt group. It will be outside under the shade trees where we can also admire her extensive gardens. The featured speaker is Sandra Hatch, who is the editor of Quilter's World magazine. I heard that she operates that magazine out of her home here in Maine.
I checked out the Quilter's World web site and noticed you can purchase a digital magazine subscription. Has anyone else tried this yet? I recently bought a digital subscription to Creative Knitting magazine, which gave me access to two years' worth of back issues online. They were all available as pdf files that I downloaded to my computer. I imagine Quilter's World does something similar. At least it will save me some space on my bookshelves, which are pretty full.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Progress on the Snowman Quilt
Tonight I'll get the binding machine sewn onto the quilt, and I'm going to try get my other Christmas quilt loaded tonight and quilted tomorrow. The theme of the quilt is Christmas presents, so I'm quilting Christmas trees on it.
More Christmas in July Photos
This is the porch on the side of Helen's home. Wouldn't you just love to laze around out here all summer long, sipping mint juleps or something?
What's a quilters' get-together without Show and Tell? I thought I had more photos, but I must have already posted them, so here are just a few more. These are Barb's adorable little pincushions. Barb has a thing about pincushions--they're a favorite of hers. No pattern for these, Barb just dreamed them up because she's clever that way.
And here is Kay's Christmas project she worked on. I really liked this one a lot.
Quilter's Yard Sale
I thought it was a brilliant strategy for the quilt shop to host such an event. It was hot and awfully humid this morning; and as quilters got done with their shopping or had enough of the heat, they wandered into the quilt shop to cool off, and then they'd buy a few more things. I added a jelly roll and a pattern to my shopping bag. Outside, someone had the foresight to set up a grill for hot dogs, so after we cooled off sufficiently we went out and bought a hot dog and chips, sat in the shade, and ate.
There were only about a dozen sale booths, but there were some fabulous deals to be had. I picked up 4 yards of flannel, a piece of a Hoffman Christmas fabric, a Carol Doak book, a latte tote bag kit, and a couple of scrap bags, one in batiks and one in neutrals--all for about $20.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
A Word to the Wise
When was the last time you stopped and thought about all the cool stuff you keep on your computer--quilt photos, family photos, software you've downloaded, tax files, business files, and so on--and what the consequences would be if you lost it all?
Two of my friends recently had major issues with their computers that rendered their data files inaccessible. They were able to recover all or most of them, which was good, because some of those files were irreplaceable.
Folks, if you haven't backed up your files lately, get yourself an external hard drive or some CDs and take the time to back them up. Make it a habit to do a back up at regular intervals, depending on how often you use your computer. I need to make myself do this as well. I checked, and the last time I backed up my hard drive was last November, so I sat down this evening and did it. I have an external hard drive, so I click and drag everything I want to keep, and it didn't take nearly as long as I anticipated.
Don't procrastinate--do it now.
Two of my friends recently had major issues with their computers that rendered their data files inaccessible. They were able to recover all or most of them, which was good, because some of those files were irreplaceable.
Folks, if you haven't backed up your files lately, get yourself an external hard drive or some CDs and take the time to back them up. Make it a habit to do a back up at regular intervals, depending on how often you use your computer. I need to make myself do this as well. I checked, and the last time I backed up my hard drive was last November, so I sat down this evening and did it. I have an external hard drive, so I click and drag everything I want to keep, and it didn't take nearly as long as I anticipated.
Don't procrastinate--do it now.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Sunday Stash Report
It's taken all summer, but summer has finally arrived. Saturday was hot and humid, and yesterday we probably hit 90 degrees. Today was hot, sticky, and miserable; and tomorrow will be more of the same. I'm not complaining, mind you, because I know other folks have been hotter and for longer. Okay, wait, I am complaining. I hate this weather! It's why I moved up to Maine--to get away from it! I like cold weather so much better! On the up side, the lawn finally stopped growing, and I probably won't have to mow it all week. By Thursday we'll be back down into the much more reasonable 70s. Come on, Autumn!
Well, let's see, last time I did a Stash Report was July 26. I haven't accomplished anything significant in my sewing room, but I did work on my September Sun blocks. It's a 36-block quilt with 4 different blocks. The blocks will finish to 11 inches, and I've been kicking myself because I didn't redraft them as 12-inch blocks. What was Jinny Beyer thinking when she designed a quilt with 11-inch blocks? On purpose?
Over the last couple weeks I made two more pillowcases, used up about 3 yards of muslin for a quilt sandwich to play with a couple of new pantographs, and I bought a couple yards of one of my favorite green batiks to replenish my supply. Here's the Stash Manager's Report:
Fabric used this week: 7 yards
Fabric used year to date: 74 3/4 yards
Fabric added this week: 2 yards
Fabric added year to date: 180-1/4 yards
Net used year to date: -105-1/2 yards
No apologies, no excuses. But, hey, I'm less behind than I was two weeks ago!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Christmas in July
I liked this quilt as soon as I saw it, and I really enjoyed working on it. It was a fun way to use bits and pieces of my favorite Christmas fabrics that I've collected over the years, and I might make another one sometime and use up a few more.
Credit where credit is due: quilt design by Mary Ann Meador, Quiltmaker Nov/Dec 2008
The Tacoma Lakes Quilters' Christmas in July workshop was held at Koleen's studio. I think there were about ten of us in attendance, and mostly we ate and socialized. I did get a start on my quilt, but I think only about three of us actually sewed. We had a great Show and Tell though. Too bad most of my photos were blurry. Here are some of the better ones.
Tomorrow I'll put up a few photos from the other Christmas in July workshop. I think there were a couple of other ladies that actually did work on a Christmas project, but I only got a picture of one of them.
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