We had two Christmas in July workshops last month, and this was the project I worked on, the one called "It's A Wrap!" I put the last round of borders on and finished the top this evening.
I liked this quilt as soon as I saw it, and I really enjoyed working on it. It was a fun way to use bits and pieces of my favorite Christmas fabrics that I've collected over the years, and I might make another one sometime and use up a few more.
Credit where credit is due: quilt design by Mary Ann Meador, Quiltmaker Nov/Dec 2008
The Tacoma Lakes Quilters' Christmas in July workshop was held at Koleen's studio. I think there were about ten of us in attendance, and mostly we ate and socialized. I did get a start on my quilt, but I think only about three of us actually sewed. We had a great Show and Tell though. Too bad most of my photos were blurry. Here are some of the better ones.

Pauline made this lovely sampler. It wouldn't have occurred to me to put these colors together in a quilt, but I rather liked it and thought the colors worked very well together.

Some time before I joined the Tacoma Lakes group, they embarked on a group project called "Fool Around Fun". Sorry, no idea where they got this quilt pattern from. A number of ladies in the group made the quilt, and all the quilts appeared together at the Pine Tree Quilt Guild state show in July as a separate exhibit. I love how different they all looked. I think
Margo has a picture of all of them on her blog.

Bea was the winner of the May Block of the Month blocks and assembled them into this interesting top.

BarbD showed this adorable little quilt top. I knew she hadn't appliqued it, because Barb doesn't applique. But she does embroider by machine, so I thought they were embroidered. Well, she still fooled me, because it's a cheater panel that she added borders to!

Koleen got a top finished too. A simple block with a stunning impact and gorgeous colors.

Kayleen made a pair of patriotic tablerunners using the same pattern I used for the one I showed you
here, but she oriented her log cabin blocks differently. This was also a group project, and I managed to get in on the tail end of this one. I don't know why Kayleen's quilts remind me of the Confederate flag.
Tomorrow I'll put up a few photos from the other Christmas in July workshop. I think there were a couple of other ladies that actually did work on a Christmas project, but I only got a picture of one of them.
I love your Christmas quilt. Very pretty fabrics. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Sue, Really like how your Xmas quilt turned out. Looks like you all had a lot of fun.
I like that "It's a Wrap" quilt too, and have enough leftover Christmas fabric to give it a whirl. Thanks for giving the source for the pattern.
Nice photos, Sue. It's always interesting to me how different patterns look in different fabrics.
Like your Christmas quilt, too.
It's a wrap came out so nice...looks like each one should hold a present....thanks for photo's at Koleens..it was a fun day...I did not sew just cut...and I have the top done...now to get it on the quilter....hooray!!!
The quilts from the show and tell are beautiful. I love your Christmas quilt.
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