Another medley arrived in the mail last week too. They're supposed to come once a month, and they usually arrive pretty close to the same day of the month; but this is the third medley I've received since February 2. I called today to ask why deliveries had been so erratic the last few months and was shocked to discover that I've been receiving Keepsake medleys off and on (mostly on) since 1993. Good grief! I've cancelled them now, once and for all.
Here's the Stash Manager's report:
Fabric used this week: 3-5/8 yards
Fabric used year to date: 19-1/2 yards
Fabric added this week: 14-3/4 yards
Fabric added year to date: 22-1/2 yards
Net used year to date: -3 yards
3 yards in the hole--okay, I can live with that. I'll have a few finishes coming up before too long, and that will take care of it. Provided I behave myself, that is. Last year was a terrible year for stashbusting, and I'll be happy if I break even this year. It's a start.
Anyway, it's pretty easy to make without a pattern. All you do is sew a pair of strips together, then cut 60 degree wedges from the strip set. You need 6 identical wedges to make a hexagon, and you can get two different hexagons from each pair of strips. You can make a quilt 6 blocks across x 7 rows out of a jelly roll. Background and borders are extra, so I'll be ordering a little more fabric this week for the borders. I think I'll be using the fabrics in the upper left corner for borders. I like these blocks because they sort of remind me of Stack 'n Whack blocks, but they're a lot less work.
That's going to be a very nice quilt! Great pattern....
Well, that's just slicker than a smelt! I like the start that forms around the hexagon, don't you?
I like the hexagon make it sound sooo easy but I know it is *tricky* :)
Good stash report with finishes close at hand :)
Hi Sue, You know I've been do a lot of thinking about Stash Busting. And I've decided that stash busting for me is using up the older fabrics that have been around awhile. I really don't buy a lot of new but if I see something I really like I'll get it. So my revised goal for 09 is the use up 200 yds. of the older & buy if & when I need to!! And No stressing over it. So go ahead & enjoy your new fabrics,when you get the quilt top finished just think of how much the back will use up!
Well, at least you've already started something with your purchases! I'd call that super busting!
I've never bought any jelly rolls or cupcakes or anything like that. Guess I just do things the hard way.
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