It's been a while since I've posted to my blog. My days have been pretty hectic lately; and even though I only work four days a week, I haven't actually spent a whole day at home in over a week. Life happens, right?
I even missed the Sunday Stash Report, but nothing was added or gained so it didn't seem so important to do one. I don't know if anyone besides me gives a hoot anyway. It amuses me to keep track of my stash, so I've continued doing it.
Life is never boring though, and I'm never, ever bored or idle. Within the last week I finished Master Damien's little socks, finished a dishcloth, and started another. Tonight is Knitting Night, and we are beginning a new project, a baby sweater. It's a month-long class, and I'm sure it will keep me busy for a month.

I've also made a little more than half the blocks for the ribbon border in the Star BOM quilt. It is a foundation pieced border, and I'll share the method I'm using to make these another day.
Now that I've discovered knitting, I spent quite a lot of time trying to hunt down some good knitting blogs. I started by clicking on "knitting" in the Interests category from my profile in Blogger, and I wasted several hours just trying to find a blog that was actually current. Many of these blogs were abandoned one or more years ago, and I concluded that only quilters are good bloggers. This morning however, I hit the jackpot when I found a site called Knitting Pattern Central. They offer piles of free knitting patterns, and I discovered that each of the links goes to some other site, many of which are blogs. You could surf the web for days by following the links, and I succeeded in finding some blogs I thought I'd enjoy.
The problem now, however, is that I already have 104 blogs listed in my Bloglines; and I can't even keep up with all of those, much less leave comments. I could conceivably double that number if I added knitting blogs, so I don't even know what I'm thinking. I know I'm not the only one who has so many blogs they like to follow, and I wonder all the time how much time other bloggers spend online blogging, and how they manage to get through reading all their favorite blogs everyday. An hour? Two? Half a day? All evening? I could easily spend all day on the computer, but gosh, do I really want to spend that much time doing it?
I've considered whether or not to set up a separate blog for my knitting. Do quilters mind reading knitting or other crafting content on a quilting blog? Would they rather read only quilting dialog? I even thought of a name for my new knitting blog. But what am I thinking? I'd like to post at least a few times a week on my quilting blog, and some weeks that doesn't get done either.
All good questions.
We had a big snowfall last week, about a foot. The pile of snow at the end of my driveway where the road and driveway have been plowed now nearly exceeds my height. It was a wet, heavy snow that clung to everything. Beautiful, but treacherous if you were driving. And any road surfaces or sidewalks that weren't completely cleared of snow the next day now have a layer of ice underneath packed snow.
Tomorrow we are expecting more precipitation, possibly in the form of rain. Since there's nowhere for the rain to go, it could be an interesting weather event.