I finished this ridged dishcloth this week, and it was a good exercise in increasing and decreasing. Don't ask me what happened in the lower right corner, I couldn't tell you. I thought I followed the pattern but wound up with a big knot. Maybe it'll be better next time.

This dishcloth has a butterfly in it, but you can't see it very well because I used this variegated yarn. Another learning evolution. The odd shaped piece below the dishcloth will be sewn together to create a round potscrubber, but I missed the class on how to do it Thursday night due to a bad cold, so it will wait until next Thursday.

After finishing the two pieces above, I still had some yarn left over from the ball, so I started a woven potscrubber. I'll need 4 rectangular shaped pieces, and this is the first. My teacher Donna suggested knitting some nylon net into it to add some scrubbing power--a novel idea, I thought. So I bought a half yard of nylon net and cut it with a rotary cutter into half inch strips. Then I tied them together and knitted them in with the yarn. It was easier than I thought, and no reason to weave the ends from tying the pieces together, won't hurt a thing for them to be sticking out.

This is the mate to the sock I finished a couple of weeks ago. I've turned the heel, finished the gusset, and am now working on the foot. One of the books I bought last week was for baby socks, and I woke up thinking about it this morning. I missed work today because I felt terrible, so I sat at the kitchen table and started this little bitty sock for one of my son's friends. It took me about 4 hours to get the leg done, turn the heel, and finish the gusset. I might have finished it today except I have no idea how long to make the foot. My son is supposed to be getting one of D's socks for me to use as a guide.
I am having such a good time knitting!
What a great idea to add netting to the scrubbers! Your socks are coming along nicely - really makes you realize why people used to darn their socks instead of tossing them when they got a hole!!! I NEED to find a little round sock darner thing at an antique store - I lost the one I had. Cheers! Evelyn
Oh neat! I am almost finished with a dishcloth to be a round scrubber. Somehow I am down to 17 stitches (instead of 18), but hey, it's just going to scrub dishes, right?
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