Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Ironing Mat and Caddy
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Sunday Stash Report
I didn't expect to like this quilt as much as I do. It is filled with ugly fabrics that I've had for a long, long time. I remember how I acquired some of them; but others I have no idea where they came from. They could have come to me by way of a trade or other quilters' scraps that were given to me, I just don't know. I wasn't very discriminating when I started building a stash, was I? Well, I refuse to throw away perfectly good quilting fabric; and I wouldn't give them away because I'm pretty sure no one else would want them either. Bonnie was right about one thing though--in a scrappy quilt like this, they turn out looking pretty good.
I still didn't use up all the scraps of these fabrics though. Keryn commented on her blog last week that some of her fabrics she'd had "forEver" and was so tired of seeing them in all her quilts. I suppose it is like that with a lot of us, and I now believe that I am destined to live with some of these scraps for the rest of my natural life. Even scrap quilts seem to beget more scraps.
At any rate, I used 7/8 yard for the brown border and the binding, which has been cut and set aside, plus another yard for the piano key border.
I also got the binding for my Blooming Nine Patch machine sewn to the front of the quilt, which used another 3/4 yard. I'll be working on hand stitching that down this week.
The fabric that arrived in my mail earlier this week totalled 8 yards. Additionally I receive a scrapbag every month from Keepsake Quilting. That also arrived last week, adding another 3 yards to the stash. I rarely buy fabric anymore except for a specific purpose, and these scrapbags are a small treat that adds something new and fresh to my collection. I've been getting this scrapbag for years, and I finally realized that most of it doesn't get used because it is odd patterns; so I called and switched to the Basics club of the month, which also cut the incoming yardage by half.
So here are the totals for the Sunday stash report:
Fabric used this week: 3-5/8 yards
Fabric used year-to-date: 14-1/8 yards
Fabric purchased this week: 11 yards
Fabric purchased year-to-date: 11 yards
Net fabric used: 3-1/8 yards
It could be better, but it could also be worse!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Another Hobby
The other thing I do over morning coffee if I don't have a quilt to bind is counted canvaswork. I had never heard of it before last summer, but I wandered into a tiny crosstitch store one morning when I couldn't find the local quilt shop. I used to crosstitch years ago but lost the desire to do it after I started quilting.
I don't recall exactly why I went into the crosstitch store; but once in there, I noticed a small quilt on a table. Upon closer inspection I saw it was all stitched on canvas, the way a crosstitch piece would be; and it was done with beautiful lustrous threads--perle cottons and some different variegated threads.
I was infatuated, so I bought a kit and brought it home. I thought I might just start it that evening, just to get a feel for it and see what it looked like. At 3 a.m. I was still stitching away and actually had to force myself to put it down and go to bed.
This pattern is by From Nancy's Needle, and you can see all the lovely little patterns for stitched quilts on her website. I sought out other companies that offered patterns for counted canvaswork quilts on the internet, and the only other company I found that had what I wanted was Laura J. Perin Designs. Laura has more than four dozen designs for quilts done in counted canvaswork.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Another Finish

Sunday Stash Report
This week I also bought 2 one-yard pieces of a tobacco colored fabric, one of which will be used on the next quilt in line for binding. I had the binding for this quilt stashed away somewhere, and I've torn my sewing room apart looking for it and haven't found it yet. You watch, soon as I get the new piece cut, I'll come across it! Anyway, I didn't know which color would be a better match for my quilt, so I bought both.
I also bought 6 yards of red fabric to be used for the binding of my QFAH and for a second QFAH, same quilt, different fabrics (except for the red). I thought I had already bought enough of that red to include the binding for the first quilt, but if that's anywhere in my sewing room, I can't find that either! I ordered these three fabrics by mail; and I haven't received them yet, so I'm not counting them yet!
Stash busted this week: 5-1/8 yards
Total stash busted since Feb 3: 10-1/2 yards
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Another Finish
Orange is my least favorite color in the color wheel, and I only had a very few of these rusty oranges, orangey yellows, and warm browns used in the quilt. So my good friends Koleen and Sherry helped me out with a couple bags of scraps, the pumpkin fabric in the bottom half of the pumpkins, and I bought some fat eighths to supplement.
Koleen also machine quilts for me, and I love the quilting on this quilt. She introduced me to variegated threads, and I have become quite enamored of them. They add another dimension to the surface design that really appeals to me.
Credit where credit is due:
More Bad Weather
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Sunday Stash Report
I love this pattern! It went together pretty quickly. When I finished the top, I drafted it into my Electric Quilt program, played with some different color options, and tried a few other blocks in place of the nine patches. My son is getting this quilt, but I'm going to make another one of these at some point to keep for myself, using the same red, a tan background intead of cream, and warmer blues. I also love my EQ6!
I have a very busy week at work coming up, so I don't expect to accomplish much this week. My only goals this week are to get the Scrappy Trips top done, and to finish the binding on my other quilt. I only work on bindings for an hour or so in the mornings, so it might take me a week to finish a binding.
It is always a wonderment to me how some quilters are able to get the bindings sewn onto 3 or 4 quilts, machine quilt two others, and cut out the pieces for 3 tops, all in one day. Time management has always been an issue for me, and I know I am very distractable as well. It is next to impossible for me to sit still for even one hour and sew continuously without getting up and walking around and fiddling with something else, and I noticed that about myself again this week. I sit with a timer sometimes when I'm sewing, and that helps me stay focused. Keeping a list of what I've accomplished and where I'm going has also been a great help. At least I can see that I do get things done!
Credit where credit is due:
Quilt design by Judy Laquidara
Friday, February 8, 2008
New To Me Binding Trick
A few months ago at a chapter meeting, my good friend Ann demonstrated a method of sewing the ends together that alleviates all those problems for me. I thought I must surely be the last one to learn this method, but I don't think any of us in the group had seen it before. I sewed the binding on another UFO yesterday morning using this method, and it worked perfectly, again. I am so excited about this, and I thought I'd share it with you.

Cut both ends straight, as in the photo.
Pin the ending tail in place along the edge of the quilt, butting it up to the beginning tail and folding it back on itself. Pin in place. At this point we are determining exactly where to cut that second tail.
In the photo, the seam ripper show where my fold is, and you can see I've measured 2-1/2" over from the fold and marked it with a pin, and that's where I'll make my cut. Remember it's folded back on itself, so make sure you don't cut the binding underneath, just the excess tail!

I hope someone will find this useful, and please let me know if something isn't clear.
A Snowy Week
I got up this morning, and sure enough, it was snowing again. It snowed all day with no let up, even so we didn't have much additional accumulation.
There's another storm rolling in tomorrow night with more significant snowfall, but no totals predicted yet.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Every Quilt Has A Story
Nothing inspirational, but here's the story that goes with this one. A long time ago, I wanted to make a quilt that would be masculine, and I had a set of plaid squares that I wanted to use up and thought they would do nicely in the quilt. I was still pretty new to quilting, and the fabrics were not what I would choose today. (Meaning, yes, I know, it's not a pretty quilt!)
At that time, I didn't have access to a long arm quilter, didn't even know there was such a thing; so I decided I'd have to quilt it myself with a straight line pattern and a walking foot. That meant that every time I changed sewing direction, I'd have to wrestle it under the presser foot to get it turned in the right direction to do the next line of quilting. And it has a polyester batt, which made it puffy. Tedious? You betcha, and the project stalled... for about 10 years.
Last month I came across it again in my sewing room for the umpteenth time and decided I just had to get it done. So I finished up the quilting (yes, using the exact same method!), got the binding on, and finished hand sewing the binding to the back this morning.
So this is my second finish for 2008 and another UFO off the list. You can't imagine how happy I am to get this done! My nephew will get this one.
Credit where credit is due:
The Jacob's Ladder block can be found in Electric Quilt's Blockbase program.
Jacob's Ladder quilt design is my own design. You are welcome to use it if you wish.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Sunday Stash Report
I worked some more on my Quilt For An Hour project this week. I'm counting 1-1/4 yards for the nine patches and 1-7/8 yards for the cream background. Since this is my first week counting, and since I bought the red last year just for this project, I won't bother myself about it.
I also started Bonnie's Scrappy Trips Around the World this afternoon. I'm making my blocks 5 squares x 5 squares, instead of 6 x 6, since I already had a couple blocks made from a while back when I was experimenting with it. I'd like to make 20 blocks, in a 4 x 5 layout, and I've got the strips all cut. That's another 2-1/4 yards, for a total this week of 5-3/8 yards.
Gosh, that's more than I would have thought. I can't remember that I've bought any fabric yet this year; so if I keep this up, I might actually make some headway.
This week I'd like to get the borders on the Quilt for an Hour, cut the backing, and get it over to my machine quilter's. I'd also like to finish the Scrappy Trips blocks. I'm very slow at sewing, so if I get these two tops done this week, I'll be doing very well!
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Super Bowl Bargello Sunday
The only hand work I ever do now on a quilt is the binding. I sew it to the front by machine, then hand sew it to the back. I like to sit at the kitchen table in the morning with a cup of coffee and work on a binding for an hour or so. I actually enjoy that little bit of hand sewing.
Credit where credit is due: